Happy Thanksgiving!

I was quite sad to not go home for Thanksgiving but I got the best thing to it. I got to spend time with the McD family. :) I love them. They are basically the most amazing family ever. Well beside my family of course! I got to see my best friend since birth and it was great. And you think I am joking, oh no, Heath and I have been friends since the womb. Out mother's would go walking together while they were pregnant with us. Then we were born about 3 weeks apart. :) Anyway, it was splendid to spend time with the McD family.

I heard that my family had a "relaxing" Thanksgiving also. :) Just kidding. I am sorry mother dear for the stress of making an entire Thanksgiving dinner all on your own basically. I wish I was there to help! But some great news was announced that day! My cousin Nichoel is engaged! I am so happy for her! She is an amazing person and deserves quite an amazing guy. :) It is always great to catch up on the interesting things happening in the Holden clan at family functions. :)

And finally, school is almost over! About 3 more weeks and then I am done!! Thank heavens! It has been a touch semester. This break I have been basically doing assignments! It makes me quite angry that professors give you homework due before the break and then the Monday and Tuesday after. I don't think that is very kind of them. :) I will just be very glad when all of it is over. I will miss some of my classes but then again, I won't miss the stress of them. School is almost over!

Love you all... wish me luck on my talk on Sunday!

Divide Me....

My mother dear noticed today that I have not written on my blog in awhile. Quite disappointing.

School is going just fine. I am more than halfway through the semester and coming up to the Thanksgiving break! It will be very nice for a break. Even though for some reason they still like to pile on the work! Craziness!

The countdown is 36 days until I get to go home! I am so incredibly excited because I have not been home since June! It has been too long! Hanging out with family, having "sister time" and catching up with old friends. :) It will be a very weird feeling not having Craiggy there. We will miss him terribly. It is a great feeling to think that he is serving and having amazing experiences.

Here is my top ten favorite things about going home (not in order):

1. Seeing my family finally, after so long!

2. Going to the Botanical Gardens with all the lights! :)

3. Watching movies with the family.

4. Having dinner/lunch with friends from home!

5. Christmas Eve feast!

6. New Year's Day Football watching party

7. Shopping with the sister (my fashionista)

8. Wrapping my mother's presents she didn't get to (using my wrapping skills)

9. Taking down the Christmas tree. :( (Sad but I replace it with the putting up the Christmas tree)

10. Talking to Elder Holden! Yay!!!

Well I hope that everyone has a wonderful day! And to end with a quote that I saw today:

"Keep smiling because you never know who is falling in love with it"


Halloween!! I am really just putting this dazzling picture up of my roommate and I for my mother's benefit. :) Here you go mom! For some odd reason she thinks I need to be more social. I mean seriously having 17 credits and working 20 hours a week isn't enough. :) I am just kidding mother dear.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween and did something fun and spontaneous! Love you all!

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