I have just been thinking that I am pretty much spoiled. I know it is hard to admit, but there it is! My daddyo would just love that one. He always encourages us to admit this and to be proud of the fact that we are spoiled. My father called me last week and told me that we are switching phone services YET again.
Since I am not at home to have my phone swapped, I will be getting a new phone number and a new phone. Specifically an iPhone. :) I know I am spoiled! For all of those who have negative thoughts in my direction I would like to say that it is a used phone. My dad got the new iPhone and now he is giving his old one to my older brother and then my older brother is giving me his. And then my mom is getting my dad's other old one. Man alive we have quite a large quantity of iPhone's in our possession in my family.
It will be weird to have a new number though. I have had the same phone number since about junior year of high school. Wow, that has been quite a long time! Crazy how time flies.
So, the time is coming for graduation and I am getting asked the repetitive question of what I am going to do with my life. I would like to help alleviate the worries of everyone and tell you that I have a small understanding of what I might like to do! Quite exciting, I know!
In the course of my studies here at BYU, I have been doing a lot of work with plants and such and it has encouraged me to look into the Green industry. I was looking online at some places up in Washington and I found this amazing nursery up in Redmond! They have some amazing things about them that has really made me consider to work for them... in the future of course. Well after graduation basically. My mother dear looked at the website and was excited for me also! So things are going quite well in that department. It feels quite good to know what you will be doing somewhat in the future.
Just pure relief.
1 Comment:
- Becca said...
October 3, 2008 at 5:05 PMHello!? I'm offended you never told me you had a blog. Whatever, I see how it is. You're right, you are spoiled, but that's why we love you! I never see you anymore, but don't fret, the October meeting in like 19 days, I will see you then my friend!