Every Now and Then...

It is kind of crazy how things in your life can change so quickly!

This entire past year I have been looking forward to my impending graduation this April 2009. Being excited is a mild way of putting my feelings. I was ready to get out of Provo and back home to get into the real world. This has been my mind set for the past while especially since I am killing myself with classes this semester.

Last week I decided on a whim to look at the major of Landscape Management. I am doing the Landscape Management Minor right now but jut out of curiosity I wanted to see the major. Looking over it I realized that after Winter semester I will have almost completed a little over 70% of the required classes!

Thinking it over, it seemed quite tempting to just stay and extra year and then double major with a degree in Home and Family Living and Landscape Management. So I have been thinking and debating over this for the past week. It just been on my mind and won't leave! You know when you have a big decision to make and you know you have a lot of time to decide but still it won't go away? That is what this was doing to me! It was kind of driving me crazy!

After discussing it with family and friends and praying about I have come to a decision! I know you guys are all anxious to hear! Well this is the decision so far but it might change because that is how life goes. My decision is to stay another year and graduate in April 2010 with a double major! Craziness... I know! So all of those who thought you were going to get rid of me this April, I am sorry to disappoint you in being here in Provo for yet another year. :)

1 Comment:

  1. Ashley said...
    hey we are going to graduate at the same time now... that's fun...

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